Here at M-Viron we are on countdown to GDPR day. It’s the hot topic in the office and the main talking point with customers who pop in to see us or we speak to over the phone.

Although there has been a 2 year transition period for the new directive, many small businesses are still bamboozled by its meaning and overwhelmed by what it means to them and for their business.

Many of our customers we have been speaking to over the past few months were not aware of the impact the new GDPR regulations, enforceable from May 25th (next Friday), have on their business mobile phones and devices.

In particular this week we have been busy helping business owners who were allowing members of their team to use their personal mobile phones for work thinking it keeps costs to the business lower and was less hassle than supplying them with work phones.

As a business owner do you allow any of the following by your employees?

  • Receiving work emails on their personal device
  • Storing of customer contact details on their personal device
  • Access to a company CRM via their personal device
  • Send/Receive messages to/from customers from their personal device

If you do, then you need to ensure you have a number of measures in place with your team members to keep your business safe and mitigate the risk of non-compliance fines.

The steps you need to take include HR provisions, access control codes and installation of mobile device control software that allows for the device to be remotely wiped if the device is lost or stolen.

These steps, in the main, are free to do and even the biggest ‘technophobe’ should not struggle to implement.

Of course, if you need any help, further advice or support we are here to help.

Contact us today or pop in to the store.